How to make natural red hair dye.
The most irritating thing about dyeing your hair red is the same as with every other color. You could end up bald just by using very strong chemicals. The natural method is friendlier, but getting that red hair going will not be easy. You will not succeed in dyeing your blonde or black hair unless you have the right natural red hair dye. To make a good red hair dye, carry out these steps.
Make sure you have made up your mind. The first step to having a red hair dye is to make sure that you really want to have one. Unless you are making the dye for another person, you have to decide if you are willing to go all the way. It will take you a couple of times to make the recipe because dyeing your hair red could take more than one application. Aside from that, having red hair might not suit you at all. You will need to clarify your decision with yourself several times before you make any move.
Gather the materials. You will need a cup of rose hips, 2 cups water, and unsweetened red Kool-Aid. You might want to cut the rose hips or squeeze them a little bit. This will facilitate the release of the fruit’s juices, and lessen the time you have to spend on this.
Making the dye. Place ½ cup of the red Kool-Aid into a casserole with the 2 cups of water then stir it. Heat the casserole on your stove. Adjust the stove to medium heat just before the mixture boils, and then put in the rose hips. Stir the concoction every now and then until the liquid turns into a paste. Transfer the paste into a cooler container then let it cool for a while
Using the dye. Test a small amount of the paste on your skin to see if you can tolerate the heat. Using the paste when it is cold and more solid might not be advisable since it can leave parts of your hair untreated. Testing the paste on your skin for 20 minutes will also determine if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.
Storing the dye. Place the dye in an airtight container, which should be stored in a cool and dry place. If the dye dries up anyway, stir it while adding a tsp of water until it regains its thick consistency. Repeat step 1 to make a new batch of the dye if it will not turn back into a paste.
When you decide to use the dye, use it like you would when you have the artificial one. Although this recipe could produce a more natural red hair, you might have to use it several times to get the hair color that you are looking for. Always be reminded to use the product on a smaller scale first before actually applying it on the rest of your hair.
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